Reasons to Buy Ford In Grand Rapids, Michigan

Ford: Do You Have ET for EV?

October 8th, 2012

Everything has an associated etiquette, from whatever that small fork in a table setting is supposed to be used for, to wiping down sweaty gym equipment when you’re done working out. That means there’s also an unwritten etiquette for electric vehicles, or ET for EV!

You know what? We’re going to go ahead and make those rules written! With around 9,400 public charging stations in the U.S., including at fast-food joints and universities, we know there’s likely a protocol developing. Let us know whether you agree on what we think that is, or if you have some others to add!

1. Unplugged: Never unplug another EV unless you’re certain it’s fully charged. After all, you wouldn’t sit down at someone’s table at a restaurant if they were still chowing down. The Ford Focus Electric, Fusion Energi plug-in hybrid and C-MAX Energi plug-in hybrid have an LED charge port that shows a circle of life equal to battery life.

2. Cash for gold: If you charge your EV at someone’s house, offer to pony up some moola for “fuel.” They’ll probably laugh at you. That’s OK, you’ll have the last laugh when it comes to getting the most bang for your fuel economy buck.

3. In a cord: Don’t take a charging station spot if your EV doesn’t need a refuel. And be mindful of where your cord is placed; you don’t want people tripping over it when they are distracted while staring at your awesome EV.

4. Luck of the parking: Prepare yourself for sneers and other jealousy when people are wondering why you get such a great parking spot. Explaining that it’s your fueling station, how an EV works and how it has changed your life are perks to EV ownership. Believe us, they will cling to your every word.

5. Get smart: Make sure when you’re fully charged, you switch to a regular parking space. With the MyFord® Mobile app, your smartphone is capable of not only helping you find charging stations, but also keeping you up to speed on the battery status in your Ford EV. You can put a note on your car to let others know what time is OK to unplug, too.


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